Collecting - Mail Art Project
Library Exhibition20/02/2011 - ongoing
Opening: Sunday, 20 February 2011 15:00
Thousands of people have special collections which vary from stamps, coins, wrappers of cigars to meaningful words and fond memories. Why do we collect? And how? Many contemporary artists use ‘collecting’ to visualise their artistic concept. They also have the ability to put the principles of collecting into one postcard. The third part of Play van Abbe was about collecting. This was an inspiration for the library exhibition Collecting – Mail Art Project.
For Mail Art project Miranda Vissers has asked interested artists to contribute to this project by means of a postcard, attuned to the theme of collecting. This resulted in more than 250 submissions: postcards, drawings, etchings, paintings, collages, photographic and textile works. All Mail Art works are exhibited in the showcases of the library of the Van Abbemuseum and on the weblog. Also a selection of the Mail Art archives of the museum and the organisers is exhibited. The catalogue shows one work of each artist
To see the submissions, check the library blog,